View From My Bedroom Window Essay

View from my bedroom window essay ideas

Seen Through A Window Seen Through A Window Looking out from my bedroom window, I see only trees and houses. It creates a sense of isolation, a sense of being high above other people, cut off from reality. Or maybe that's just me. It looks as though it's going to rain. The dark clouds are gathering, being pushed across the sky by the strong winds that whistle through the trees. Several aeroplanes have gone past, as I stare outside. Their humming brings me back to reality, back from the hypnotic swaying of the trees against the stark solidity of the solemn brick houses.

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Elizabeth Mcgovern

It's a dilapidated image, a dark city scene, bordered by crumbling paint and a moss covered windowsill. I hear a car go past but I can not see it, the throbbing engines breaking the silence. Essay about time management is an important ingredient for success. A dandelion seed floats past my window, rising ever higher with the winds, the opposite of a falling leaf. I feel a sense of calm. Noticing the smallest details of the surroundings puts me at ease, makes me realise that this is only a small square of a huge world, and yet, to me, it seems endless. Then the birds appear. Soaring, gliding, black silhouettes against the clouds.